Choose from 3 levels of service
Best Value!
Predetermined cutting instructions, our Butcher's Choice feature, without substitutions. This option is simply fresh cuts.
Best Seller!
Predetermined cutting instructions, our Butcher's Choice feature, without substitutions. This option includes our most popular value-add features.
Beef PLUS processing includes 25 pounds of patties per quarter beef.
Pork PLUS processing includes cured and smoked bacon as well as 10 pounds of breakfast sausage.
Fully Tailored to Your Preferences!
Choose from a variety of a la carte tailoring and processed cooked meats options when you opt for the CUSTOM level of service.
Beef Processing Rates
Pork Processing Rates
How long will it take for my processing order to be complete, ready for pick-up?
We aim to complete your custom processing order for:
- Beef, within 30 days
- Pork, within 30 days
- Deer from Fall & Winter hunting, by March 1st of the new year. De-boned, received after Jan. 20th, will have a 30 day turn around. We don't accept deer trim between March 1st and October 1st.
From time to time processing may take longer. Curing and smoking require more time for order completion. We will advise you of the expected completion date upon receiving your order.
How is the meat packaged?
Our packages are double-wrapped in one layer of clear poly and one layer of white butcher paper.
Each package is wrapped tightly to eliminate air pockets that could cause freezer burn and are clearly labeled with cut information.
Vacuum packaging boneless meat cuts is an option, but we don't advise it for long term storage. The vacuum process removes moisture from the meat and is vulnerable to puncture / vacuum seal loss.
How long will the frozen meat last in my freezer?
If you keep your freezer temperature at or below zero degrees Fahrenheit, then:
- Beef - at least 15 months
- Pork - at least 10 months
- Deer - at least 15 months
Note: It's common for meat cuts to remain in good condition and delicious well beyond the benchmarks listed above. The operating condition of a home freezer impacts how long meat cuts can store well.
How big of a freezer do I need?
A small seven cubic foot chest freezer will easily hold both a quarter beef and a half hog at the same time.
Ethical Treatment

The Story City Locker was designed by meat processing plant experts. Several Iowa Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and experts at the Iowa Meat & Poultry Inspection Bureau were consulted. And, taken into account during the design process were Dr. Temple Grandin's perspectives on humane slaughter procedures.
We are currently AGW approved for Beef & Pork.